Note: Apology Accepted was written in response to the image here, created by Tony Curran.
Yeah, that’s myself [sic] in outline, hunched over
the screen, black eyemask fashioned from re-
gret and the way that autocorrect’s clumsy
changes explode thoughts like a supernova.
There’s that zany boundary between me and
world: fat snake-line slithering from dessicated
apple. I recall a Portland café, its rows of fated
laptops silently declaring we are all still in Adam.
I feel my insides effervesce, like an advertisement
for an inkjet printer from 2002, or that film script
that causes the culture to escape from the Petrie
dish before Act Two is over. Under the omniscient
gaze of cardboard 3D glasses, the world’s flipped
reality will soda-stream itself (and me) in perpetuity.
Lachlan Brown lectures in English literature and Creative Writing at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga. He has been shortlisted and commended for the Newcastle Poetry Prize and his first book, Limited Cities, was shortlisted and highly commended for the Mary Gilmore Award. Lachlan’s poems have appeared in journals in Australia and the USA.
Tony Curran has been a 2015 Archibald Prize finalist, a Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship semi-finallist and a semi-finallist in the Doug Moran National portrait prize. He has held various residencies around Australia and lives in Canberra.
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